7990 SW 117th Ave Ste 115, Miami FL 33183
+ 1(305) 274-7010

Cost Saving Solution

Throughout the years our customers have always been focusing on how to reduce cost while operating their factories.

Solutions are often in expanding production with bigger machines, looking at improving quality standards and upgrading the health & safety features of their plants.

Older plants could be a
problem sometimes...

Most of current analysis tends to focus on building new plants especially with the continuous new health and safety measures from the USDA or FDA.

Nevertheless, reality tends to undertake upgrades in their current food processing factories only.

In order to help its customers, Dima Trading has been focusing on helping reducing cost by offering customize solution and finding the right products for your market.

If you require a detailed analysis of your current factory equipment, please contact us at info@dimatrading.com or
at +1 (305) 274 7010 / 8877
and we will be more than happy to assist you.

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1(305) 274-7010